To me, one of the most moving things about being an Eft Practitioner is the frequency of overwhelming emotional excursions that take place covering of our usual one dimensional realm. This is a story about fetal emotions that lay behind a prenatal trauma, and the effects that spilled over into the early childhood of a young boy in Texas.
While at my aunt and uncle's lovely 50th anniversary party in El Paso, Texas, I was introduced to a very nice young incorporate who heard that I was doing some type of energy work. They wondered if I could perhaps help their young son who was an enigma to everyone, and of great concern to both of them.
Enrique and Anita are busy young married professionals in El Paso, who like many other couples their age try hard to equilibrium both house and careers respectively. Although we were at a party, they wanted to know more about Eft. Since my time in Texas was limited, I invited them to a quick trial run of what it looked like, and how it felt, while enforcing the fact that this demonstration was not meant as a parlor trick, but for a inherent session later in the week before I left. They speedily agreed, and off we went to my uncle's incommunicable office with the child in question. Prior to our meeting I had only heard second hand that their son, Esteban, had a history of regressing drastically after having his six-months round of vaccinations. Little did I know what was about to unfold with the rest of his story.

Three years ago Christmas Eve, Anita fell ill, and remained so even after she was pronounced pregnant with maternal twins by her obstetrician six days later. Sonogram results showed two separate placentas. One fetus, a boy, was thriving, while the other, a girl, appeared much smaller in comparison, and was no longer alive. The clinical name for this type of twin fetal presentation is called the "Vanishing Twin Syndrome". Already having two other young children, Andrea and Diego, and in spite of the fact that one of the fetuses didn't survive, Anita and Enrique were nevertheless grateful for their remaining gift of life. With that in mind, Anita reports not having been emotional about the loss of the baby whatsoever, and took it all in stride. But physically, she spent the next four months relentlessly nauseated without reprieve, unable to tolerate even the most benign scent without an extreme hypersensitive reaction.
Although he tried to come earlier, Esteban was delivered at 33 weeks. He weighed in at only 4 pounds, apparently malnourished per the size of his diminished umbilical cord. Before long he was ultimately able to leave the neonatal unit and was brought home to his family. For the next six months every person enjoyed the peaceful, happy baby who slept throughout the night without disruption. And then things changed drastically.
Upon the introduction of his six-months round of vaccinations, Esteban ran a fever for practically six days duration. When his parents questioned the Pediatrician about the prolonged fever, his reply was the fever was just "coincidental" and the he was just "fighting a virus", and denied any wrong doing for having administered the shots. However, agreeing to both Anita and Enrique, things were never the same again.
After the fever ultimately subsided, Esteban changed into a very moody, irritable, and difficult baby, waking up three to four times a night crying inconsolably. As he grew older (1-2yrs) he threw temper tantrums so frequently, and so out of control, that his exasperated parents would stand in a cold shower with him fully clothed in an exertion to speedily shock him out of it.
It was also around this time that his parents noticed his extreme hurt in large crowds where it was noisy, bright, and filled with movement that he couldn't control. Either he was out with his house socially, or if he awoke to a visiting house guest after napping, the slightest convert in his immediate environment would be enough to make him behave hysterically.
Not only did Esteban become "over-stimulated" when he was around other children, he was also angered by their unwanted attention. This reaction proved to be an especially daunting behavioral pattern while attending his mother in picking up the older children from school. Anita noticed too that he displayed a great deal of anger and hostility toward his older brother, Diego, and father Enrique. This was made clearly clear if Enrique would exertion to display affection toward him, touch, or even look at him. In fact, the only time that Enrique got a kiss from his Little son was when he was leaving to go to work, and that was only because he was visibly happy anticipating his leaving!
Esteban will be three years of age this July, but only began speaking within the last six months. When Anita told the Pediatrician that she suspected he was autistic, he was decidedly non-committal; however; he did assigned Esteban to Early Childhood Intervention caseworkers, and wrote a prescription for Occupational Therapy to support in dealing with his mystery in interpersonal relationships, or, as he referred to them, "sensory issues".
In essence, what seemed like another sad example of the effects of childhood vaccinations that we chiropractors have seen, documented, and rallied against time and again, the incompatibility was the overlooked supplementary layer. The "pink elephant" in the room no one was talking about was the fact that Esteban began his life in the relax of his twin sister's presence, felt her die, and had to adapt to her stillness until he was delivered. Then never saw her again. Other than to Esteban, the emotional trauma was only apparent to me, and played down by everyone, along with his parents, who were just grateful that he survived at all.
With the four of us in the study, I briefly explained surrogate tapping and advised Anita and Enrique to fantasize being Esteban, envision his interpretation of things through his eyes, and tap in his stead. Esteban appeared restless, and wanted to leave the room.
Our session began very quickly;
"Even though I'm lost without her, I'm a good boy, and mommy, and daddy misses her too."
Reminder phrase: "I'm lost without her, I don't know where she is, we all miss her...."
After one round of short-cut tapping with that setup phrase, Esteban appeared relaxed, even yawned, developed toward his father, and stride to drape himself over his lap.
And with that, Anita realized that in fact her daughter's short life did count, and mattered especially to her brother, Esteban, who it seemed missed her desperately. perhaps some of his "acting out" was the residue of their sad beginning?
"'Even though I'm mad she's not here, I as a matter of fact am a good boy, and I'll try and have fun now."
Reminder Phrase: "I'm so mad she's not here; I don't like it without her..."
The last round of our brief session was meant to riposte his feelings of loss, and honor the fact she once lived.
"Even though I'm sad that you're gone, I'm a as a matter of fact good boy, and I'm glad you were with me."
Reminder Phrase: "I'm so sad that you're gone, I'm glad you were with me, I'll never forget you as long as I live, sending love to my sister...."
Both parents, and Esteban, appeared relaxed and peaceful after our last round. Esteban calmly asked to leave the room to go play. They thanked me for my efforts and we returned to the party without as a matter of fact knowing what to expect--except for me-- I couldn't stop smiling inside. After all, how could something so "far out" as prenatal Eft work so speedily on such a involved problem? And yet, suddenly without much fanfare, we saw Esteban running past us laughing with the other kids, and easily moving in bodily contact! Anita came up to me and said; "Did you see that"? I feigned surprise. We agreed not to make a big deal about it, and prolonged to be stunned by his actions for the rest of the evening. His entire house along with his grandparents noticed a profound convert in his attitude from that night on.
While it was usual and former for Esteban to dictate the time to go home when he'd had enough, the whole house stayed at the party as long as every person else did. Plus, he was now freely volunteering kisses and hugs to whatever who wanted them--including a huge kiss and very tight hug for me!
I left El Paso two days later, but the changes in his behavior prolonged to unfold in the weeks that ensued. agreeing to his delighted parents, Esteban is much more pleasant to be with in general. Other house members and friends who were not aware of the Eft sense all mentioned that they can see a big incompatibility in him--that he seems much calmer. In fact, upon his last evaluation, his E.C.I. Caseworker determined she wasn't needed anymore!
Behavioral modifications per his parents went as follows:
He has not thrown a temper tantrum since the tapping, and his anger subsided "substantially".
It seems that he's developed quite a sense of humor! His sister Andrea and brother Diego get a kick out of how funny he is, and his moving antics have them laughing all the time.
The picking up the kids at school bad dream is long resolved. He now as a matter of fact enjoys that time of day, and pleasantly interacts with all kids.
For the first time ever, the whole house can stay in church for the duration of the mass without incident. He even gladly holds hands for the Lords Prayer!
And best of all, is the convert in his interaction with his father. No longer repellant of his attention or affection, Esteban now looks send to being with Enrique, spending most of the day with him without protest if Anita steps out to run errands.
If ever he has a moment that is even slightly reminiscent of an old "episode", they have him tap on his karate chop point, or his crown, and he snaps right out of it!
What I hope to carry to the readers of this article is that the power and possibilities of what Eft can accomplish are, in my estimation, truly endless. Just when I think I've seen it all, more overwhelming experiences arise. When shared with other Eft practitioners these new experiences stretch the limits of our own abilities, and takes us dimensionally even farther beyond what we've ever imagined. I have the utmost of gratitude for Gary Graig for creating such a profoundly superior energetic tool that all mankind will ultimately advantage from.
It's just a matter of time.
The Vanishing Twin