Almost there! This is the third chapter of my "Invitation Anatomy 101" list of articles. Remember, this description continues the listing of base optional Components typically seen in invitations. While many examples are directly relevant to wedding invitations, I've tried to be broader to comprise the normal invitation and corporate invitation components as well.
If you haven't already done so, I highly encourage reading my description "Invitation Anatomy 101 - Typical Components" first. This description continues from "Invitation Anatomy 101 - optional Components I":
optional (or supplementary Components) Continued:

6) Seating Cards
- Seating cards may be used to identify the proper spaces each guest should be seated at. These cards may be made for both the ceremony/formal event and reception. For weddings, ceremony cards are also known as 'pew cards', whereas reception cards are determined 'place cards'.
- There are many variations of seating cards. Some seating cards are simply estimate cards, while others may only note 'bride's side' and 'groom's side', or main auditorium, balcony level (for every year meetings), etc. Some seating cards can even state each guest's full name.
- Seating cards are ordinarily small in size and may be folded horizontally. They ordinarily match the invitation style exactly or coordinate with the theme and colours of the event or company logo (for corporate events). There are countless style options and variations available.
7) Thank You Cards
8) residence Cards (or convert of Address Cards)
- For the post-wedding couple: residence cards (also called "At Home Cards") are an elegant way to narrate your new home or residence together to all your friends and family.
- These are small cards that may be sent with invitations or shortly after the wedding. They should comprise your names, your new home or residence address, phone number, and move-in date.
- For companies: convert of Address cards are vital to companies planning a major location change. convert of Address cards can stylishly tip off your key company partners and clients of your new location. Address Cards have a good occasion of getting noticed and acknowledged over base email, faxes, etc. They can for real save a lot of aggravation, time, and money - not to mention added exposure to clients and inherent clients.
9) Website Cards
- First, a bit of background: Many companies offer 'free web space' on the internet where you can invent a website using some generic templates. Some companies are wedding-themed and offer couples an easy and 'low-tech' way of constructing a "wedding website." The advantages of a "wed site" are numerous. You can personalize a space on the internet that is accessible by whatever in the world. You can modernize it with pictures, wedding details, gift registry information, quotations, letters, stories, and even solicit creative contributions from house and friends.
- Website cards are corporal cards that can be included with your invitations directing your guests to your "wed site". Essentially the cards comprise your names, the website address and your email address(es).
- For companies: By now, most companies have websites (those that don't will for real get one to stay competitive). However, when companies first inaugurate websites, a lot of money often gets thrown towards creative ways to market the website to the desired audience. Website cards - created much like little announcement cards could be elegant and popular ,favorite and like convert of Address cards, they would get noticed. Nowadays, since most companies have a website and plaster it everywhere all over their letterheads, promotional items, and literatures, website cards have a role as a revived nostalgic marketing tool from the past.
10) Electronic Cards
- Theoretically, any of these components - including invitations - can be created and sent electronically. While the possibility of exploring electronic alternatives to corporal cards is a tempting one, it is not recommended. The dreams of a "paperless society" remain just that. What I mean is that nothing appropriately replaces stationery and corporal invitations.
- Also, the proliferation of spam, unsolicited emails, virus email attachments, ad-ware, and spy-ware poses problems for the time to come of Electronic cards: 1) Filtering software may inadvertently delete an electronic card attachment or notice before its received, 2) Email is still not standard as a 'formal' alternative to customary invitations, 3) Given the 'cyber-battle' with spammers, email invitations suffer credibility and image problems, 4) Email screams frugality which undermines the nature of formal invitations.
- Weddings are still determined formal and customary events. Even if every one of your guests is an active user of the internet, electronic cards and greetings (if sent) should always be sent in conjunction with customary invitations.
- Acceptance of electronic cards as substitutes for invitations or invitation components is not yet a reality and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future.
11) Registry Cards
Note Of Interest: There is still some controversy over either facts about gift registries is good communicated straight through word-of-mouth rather than straight through invitations. At present, gift registry cards are quite normal and ubiquitous in the wedding invitation world. Ultimately, it is a personal choice to make.
Again, the list could truly fill any more pages easily. New components are being created all the time to fill the need to narrate definite messages straight through an invitation method. Also, other factors such as religious and cultural traditions may be incorporated into these or supplementary component of your invitation. Remember, part of the uniqueness of practice invitations is the personalized elements that make your invitation - uniquely yours!
Invitation Anatomy 101 - elective Components Ii - Part 3 of 3