There's no denying that gazebos have changed their images drastically over the past some years. Dissatisfied with their status as strictly decorative objects, they have striven to prove that they are also highly useful, and can contribute much more to the landscape than mere beauty. They have gone out of their way to show us that they have substance, integrity, and, most of all, purpose.
Their campaign to gain more respect began as an uphill battle. After all, there was a time when gazebos were largely viewed as delicate organery structures, and many people were skeptical of the idea that they could take on heavier responsibilities. Therefore, some understanding that they were simply in a snit over being restricted to light duties, and that the Gazebos' Liberation Movement would fade away and be forgotten, in time.
Of course, their lobbying never diminished the gazebos' appeal, and people prolonged to request them to grace their backyards. Some were quite patronizing, assuring the gazebos that it was sufficient just to be gorgeous, and that they should be article with their, uh, lot in life. Others decided to call their bluff, and see how much extra work the gazebos could really handle. If they wanted more prominent positions, they would have to earn them by demonstrating the astounding capabilities that they had touted.

Those who chose the latter course have found, much to their satisfaction and amazement, that the hype is not pretense at all, and that gazebos really have several purposes. The exact number, however, has not yet been determined, and, truly, may never be, as people are constantly discovering new uses for them.
Indeed, the days when gazebos were asked itsybitsy more than to embellish the scenery, or to hold some outdoor furniture, are long gone. Now, they're being qualified with every relieve imaginable, and turned into cottages, guest houses, home offices, studios, and entertainment rooms; and that's only for starters. In fact, their roles are becoming increasingly important, as more people are spending their vacations at home, using their backyards as outdoor living rooms, and their gazebos as summerhouses.
Furthermore, gazebos are often the main settings for all kinds of celebrations and special occasions, including wedding and baby showers, birthday parties, house reunions, brunches, luncheons, evening meal and cocktail parties, weddings, and receptions. Certainly, gazebos, which have all the time been popular, are held in even higher esteem, now that they've shown us what they're made of; and that's some strong stuff!
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