I read a newspaper article yesterday that made me want to take out my paintball gun and paint our news media a totally different color. Msnbc host Keith Olbermann is accredited with labeling Bristol Palin the "worst man in the world". Does this man not perceive that he is lumping a tender, gentle, and kind young life with the likes of Hitler, Dalmer, and every other atrocious human being that has ever caused the innocent to suffer? Is he for real ignorant or selfish adequate to want to do that? If he is, he needs to be taken off of the air before he does any more harm. He calls Bristol a hypocrite because she advocates abstinence as an unmarried teen mother. Hello! Being an unmarried teen mother is what qualifies her to talk to teens about abstinence. Who would he have talk to teens about this topic-an old grandmother like me? How productive would that be? Bristol is already walking a tightrope that requires an broad amount of balance.
When the major consequence of bad behavior is something so high-priced as a tiny baby to love and cherish, it already creates a need for a balancing act. Keeping that tiny bundle of joy in your arms and knowing that you had a hand it creating this life makes it difficult to recognize the negative consequences all around you and could be part of the hypothesize that we have such a broad qoute with teen pregnancy. It takes a noteworthy mature and wonderful woman to do what Bristol is doing. She could just sit back in her comfortable lifestyle in Wasilla and enjoy the unavoidable consequences and ignore the negative ones; but instead, she has stepped transmit to help other girls to avoid her situation. I clearly understand that with her stepping out, she is entertaining the negative comments from the Keith Olbermann's of this world, and I am not worried about her-she is clearly mature adequate to cope them. I am worried about a country that accepts and wants to hear these kind of ignorant comments.
One year ago I had a fourteen year old girl in my home for accident housing along with her three week old baby. I held this mother in my arms as she sobbed over the fear and humility of being hauled away from the only citizen she knew and shoved into a stranger's home-all in the name of protection. I listened as she tried to sort out her options, one of which meant that she would have to give up her daughter for man else to raise. I listened to her ask what her case workers had told her-that her life was over. What fourteen year old wants her life to be over? It hasn't even for real begun yet. I helped her to understand the shock when she found out that the father's family was petitioning the court to give the baby to them because the mother was just to young to take care of her effectively. How could he do this to her? She concept that he loved her. Would her life, possibly, have been different if Bristol had gotten to her first? Apparently man with Keith Olbermann's mentality did.
Bristol's job of advocating teen abstinence has got to be balanced with the truth versus giving any room for her son to ever think that she is sorry that she had him-and we all know that she's not. That takes a mature and loving mother to be able to do that. Something Keith isn't mature adequate to recognize, it seems. She will have to not only shower her son with so much love that he never questions it, but will also have to account for to him very early in his tiny life why waiting to become a mother would have been a good route to travel. I have no doubt that she will be able to perform that, even though I have never met her. Bristol Palin is not a politician (nor is she even the daughter of one anymore). Just because she is Sarah Palin's daughter doesn't mean that she and her mother think exactly alike on every issue. No one knows what Bristol Palin's political views for real are because she has wisely not voiced them. She is a mother, and she is a teen that gave birth early in her life against many odds. She is a young lady that has a heart for the young women of our country and wants to help them avoid a pitfall that she fell in to. If she had accidentally fallen into a campfire, and then went about telling young citizen the dangers of campfires, would anything be calling her a hypocrite? No, I think not. Only man who has travelled down a road can delineate what the road is for real like and the pitfalls to avoid.
She has overcome her fear of collective speaking, her fear of performing in front of thousands of people, and her homesickness. How can she be criticized for any of that? Is Keith Olbermann's life so boring that Bristol Palin is all that he has to talk about. This is a sad state of affairs.
Msnbc, it is time to reign in your spokespersons and add some integrity to your network. If you are willing to finance all of the babies born to teen mothers, then go ahead and let Keith Olbermann and those like him spout their opinions. If not, then shut him up. If I could paint Keith Olbermann any color that I wanted to with my paintball gun, it would be black.
Black Is My Color selection